NAU Tri-Beta

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By-Law I - Membership Conditions
Section 1. Regular and graduate members become members of Beta Beta Beta through a chapter and thus have both national and chapter membership. Once initiated, they are:
a) national members for life unless removed for cause in accordance with Article IV, Section 11 of the national constitution and
b) chapter members so long as they remain matriculated students in the chapter's home institution and meet their obligations to the chapter as specified by its by-laws.
Section 2. Associate members terminate both national and chapter or club membership when they graduate or otherwise terminate their matriculation in the chapter's home institution, unless:
a) they have previously been elected to regular membership, or
b) they are absent on approved leave-of-absence which permits their return.
Note: Fee credit for prior associate membership will apply toward national dues upon elevation to regular membership, regardless of where the associate membership was granted.
By-Law II - Initiation Fees
Section 1. Effective September 1, 1988, members shall pay prior to initiation, through the chapter or club, the following national initiation fees:
 a) regular member: $30.00
b) graduate member: $30.00 c) associate member: $20.00
d) associate member becoming a regular member $10.00
e) chapter or club honorary member: $30.00
 f) national honorary member: none
g) alumna/us member: $30.00 annually
h) corporate member: $500.00 or more annually.
Section 2. Upon receipt of the initiation fee, the national Secretary-Treasurer will forward appropriate membership certificates to the chapter or club.
Section 3. For each regular, graduate and honorary member registered at the National Office, the chapter shall receive a two year subscription to BIOS. For each associate member registered, the chapter shall receive a one year subscription to BIOS. Each member shall have the option of receiving personally the subscription associated with his/her membership upon the payment of $1 .00 for each subscription year in addition to the initiation fee.
Section 4. Associate members who subsequently become regular members shall receive a reduction of the fee for regular membership as detailed in By-Law 1. The chapter shall receive a one year subscription to BIOS for each such member, subject to the option listed in Section 3.
By-Law III - Application Fee
Effective September 1, 1988, a fee of $200 shall accompany each application for a new chapter or club.
By-Law IV - Fiscal Year and Audit
The fiscal year for the Society shall be from October 1 to September 30. The financial accounts shall be audited by a certified public accountant beginning for the fiscal years 1981 and 1982 and biennially thereafter. The complete audit/report shall be made available to the national officers prior to the annual meeting of the National Executive Committee, and an audit report summary shall be published biennially in the journal of the Society.
By-Law V - Regions
Section 1. The geographical regions required by Article V of the National Constitution shall be as follows:
a) The Northeastern Region shall consist of the states north of the northern boundaries of Virginia and Kentucky and east of the eastern boundary of Illinois and of Lake Michigan.
 b) The Southeastern Region shall consist of all states and parts of states south of the northern boundaries of Virginia and Kentucky and east of the Mississippi River.
c) The Northcentral Region shall consist of the group of states that are bounded on the east by the eastern border of Illinois and by Lake Michigan; on the south by the southern boundaries of Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Wyoming; on the west by the western borders of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota; and on the north by the Dominion of Canada.
d) The Southcentral Region Shall consist of the group of states and parts of states that are bounded on the east by the Mississippi River; on the north by the northern boundaries of Arkansas and Oklahoma, on the west by the western boundary of Texas; and on the south by the Gulf of Mexico and Mexico.
e) The Western Region shall consist of those states lying west of the eastern boundaries of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. f) The Caribbean Region shall consist of countries and U.S. territories in and bordering the Caribbean Sea.
Section 2. When the needs or convenience of an individual chapter will be better served by so doing, the National Executive Committee may transfer that chapter from the geographic region or district in which it is actually located to any contiguous district.
By-Law VI - Jeweler
The National Executive Committee, upon recommendation of the National Secretary-Treasurer, shall select a jeweler for the Society. Insignia shall be ordered from the jeweler only through the National Office.
By-Law VII - Amendments
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the National Executive Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting at which an amendments is to be acted upon, the exact wording must be circulated to all national officers.
Section 2. Proposed amendments may be submitted for consideration by any chapter or club, any district convention, or any group of ten or more individual regular members.

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